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Our History: Adam Bullions



The History of Adams Bullion

Adams Bullion is a precious metals bullion dealer with a distinct philosophy and mission.

For thousands of years, physical precious metals have been the used as the universal form of money by every race and culture that has ever walked the earth. It has facilitated commerce and allowed human endeavour and economic development to flourish.

For this reason, physical precious metals have been referred throughout the ages as ‘sound money’.

History tells us that whenever sound money is abandoned in exchange for fiat currency (whose value, including the volume of currency issued, is pre-determined by the government or private institutions such as central banks), a repeated behavioural phenomenon ensues.

Inflation, excessive debt, authoritarian government, bureaucracy, corruption, war mongering, public displays of prevalent vices and moral decline are just some of the behavioural elements which have been witnessed throughout the ages.

In such circumstances, physical precious metals such as gold, silver and platinum not only has performed as the ultimate true store of wealth, but as the most reliable form of insurance securing the economic, political and civil liberties of those that hold them.

Australia and the world at large have for over the past 50 years embraced a global fiat currency monetary system that has led to major economic and societal decline.

For more details visit us at The History of Adams Bullion


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