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UBC Creates Affordable, Portable Device to Detect Microplastics in Drinks



Researchers at the University of British Columbia have developed a portable device that can inexpensively measure the amount of microplastics in beverages and other liquids.

Tianxi Yang, the developer of the tool, states in a UBC news release that microplastics are a “significant threat” to food safety, health, and the environment, and that affordable detection of these particles could help mitigate their risks.

Microplastic particles can originate from the degradation of items like plastic cups or utensils, contaminating food or drinks that might then be ingested or absorbed into the body. These plastics pose a health risk due to their capacity to absorb toxins and penetrate bodily barriers, with their long-term effects still under investigation.

Read More: (https://theleadersglobe.com/science-technology/ubc-creates-affordable-portable-device-to-detect-microplastics-in-drinks/)


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