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Prof FX

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Prof FX is the world’s leading forex news website, providing investors all the required tools to become a top class forex trader. The Prof-FX.com team offers global investors an array of resources, including financial news by the minute, forex brokers reviews, fundamental analysis, technical analysis, forex tools and much more.

Entries in this blog

The Pin and Drive Reversal Entry Trigger | Prof FX

As you might know, I’m mainly a reversal trader. I use other strategies as well, but my bread and butter setups revolve around swing trading reversals. This article is about an entry trigger I often use for my reversal trades. I describe it in my trading plan as pin and drive, which basically means that if I see a pin bar followed by a drive in the opposite direction (a momentum candle, if you wish) AND some additional conditions are fulfilled, I have found that it is often a good trigger t

Determining The Other Factors Of Money Supply | Prof FX

Quantitative easing is a method of increasing the money supply and driving down interest rates that require the central bank to actually purchase assets such as U.S. Treasuries, mortgage-backed securities (MBSs), and other collateralized debt obligations (CDOs) instead of just borrowing them in short-term transactions. Read more: Determining The Other Factors Of Money Supply

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