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Why do you need testing and tagging Adelaide? Many homeowners aren’t even aware of the risks associated with faulty appliances. And especially in a productive or busy environment, wear and tear is inevitable. Something as simple as a bit of rough usage, dust particles or food debris can all contribute to a decline in safety and performance. Furthermore, you could actually be leaking more power than necessary which rides up your energy bills. To keep your systems in check, it’s absolutely essential that your appliances are maintained. Our tradesmen efficiently and accurately tag every appliance, lead and chord in your house to eradicate the risk of electrocution and excessive power usage. We can even upgrade your appliances plugs to the new insulated pin plugs for superior protection. Get your Testing and tagging Adelaide carried out by the reliable specialists at Taylor’s Test & Tag!

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Exit Light Test Adelaide

Taylor's Test & Tag provides professional Exit Light Test Adelaide services to ensure the safety and compliance of your business. Regular testing of exit lights is crucial for maintaining clear, illuminated emergency routes in case of power outages or emergencies. Our experienced technicians conduct thorough inspections and testing to ensure that all exit lights are functioning optimally and meet Australian safety standards. At Taylor's Test & Tag, we prioritize safety, reliability, and
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