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Sandless in Seattle is a Seattle-based, hardwood floor dustless refinishing company. We specialize in non-sanding wood floor cleanup and refinishing. Our wet process is less than half the cost of a full sand and recoat companies. We can achieve the same if not better results than full sand and recoat which can take several days to complete compared to our one-day process. We follow the guidelines set forth by the National Wood Floor Association


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Professional Hardwood Floor Refinishing Services

Are your once beautiful hardwood floors looking a bit tired? Reviving them might be easier and more affordable than you think; hardwood floor refinishing services can breathe new life into dull, scratched hardwood flooring without the need for total replacement. The transformation is not just about aesthetics; it’s also a smart investment. The average cost of hardwood floor refinishing services ranges between $3 to $8 per square foot, which means refreshing a 300-square-foot room could
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