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Email Marketing vs Social Media: Which is Better for Your Business?

When it comes to digital marketing agencies Vancouver, businesses often face a common dilemma: Should they allocate more funds to email marketing or should they have a social media presence? Each of the strategies has its strengths and can be quite effective in achieving its goals. Then to make the process easier for you to decide which method is more suitable for your business, here are the advantages and disadvantages that we came up with. Email Marketing: The Untapped Marketing Tool

The Role of Influencer Marketing in Boosting Brand Awareness

Present day, influencer marketing has a great impact in the digital world, which helps brands to promote their products more and make them highly visible. Hence, through engaging with people with a large following on social media platforms, businesses can benefit from the trust that social media followers have in the popularist. This is a great approach especially, to organization that seek to reach certain unique markets and create brand awareness. Why Influencer Marketing Works

5 Digital Marketing Trends Expand Your Business in Vancouver

The concept of digital marketing remains relevant to this present generation, and there are new trends that have developed, which can be of great help to the business people to reach their audience effectively. Entering 2024, that is why, it is critical to mark out these trends and apply them as a tool to improve companies’ online activity. In this blog post, we will dissect 5 trends in digital marketing that marketing companies Vancouver and other areas need to adopt in order to get more exposu

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